Monday, February 21, 2011


Sunday, November 24, 1963

JFK's flag-draped casket, riding on the back of a caisson, is accompanied by an honor guard representing each of the major military services of the United States.

As the procession moves slowly down Pennsylvania Avenue, the sounds of muffled drums can be heard.

The procession arrives at the Capitol Building where the honor guard lifts the casket off the caisson.

Following the caisson is the "riderless horse" which is symbolic of the death of the nation's chief executive.

Its' saddle is empty & there are boots placed backward in the stirrups.

Before the honor guard carries the casket up the steps of the Capitol building, the band plays a slow version of "Hail to the Chief".

The casket is carried into the rotunda of the Capitol & placed on a catafalque in the center of the room.

More than 250,000 mourners will file past the casket all day & night into the early morning hours.